Please send us an email in the first instance by using the form below to let us know about your concern.
If your complaint is about receiving emails from our mailing list please click here to find out how to delete your social media account with us click here.
Please use this form to get in contact with us
We will reply to your message within 5 working days. Your complaint will be reviewed by the management and editorial team. If necessary the complaint may be handled by our arbitration team, which consists of five people.
Our team of writers, who may have political, religious, societal or ideological opinions that do not reflect TheGayUK’s management and/or its editorial team.
We publish these articles because it is part of our mission statement to reflect and publish the thoughts of the LGBT+ community in the United Kingdom.
Therefore if your complaint is about an article in which you do not agree with what the writer has written about we suggest you email the writer directly using the article’s comment box to air your complaint.