Whoever had control of John Partridge’s Twitter whilst he was in the house is literally boss.

It’s fair to say that while he was in the Big Brother house actor John Partridge cause a bit of a stir outside in the real world. It wasn’t long before the trolls left their riverside dwellings to have their say on Twitter. Well John Partridge’s Twitter HQ took it in its stride.
Whoever was controlling his social media was literally boss and knows the true meaning of “Bye Felicia”, owning every single negative comment that came toward’s the star’s official Twitter account.
@ihatejames69 you're like a nightmare version of Harry Styles. pic.twitter.com/7vva9JZ8or
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
Whoever it was, proved that they had as much sass as the real life John and slayed troll after troll. The social media team’s withering put downs kept coming and coming. They were on point.
@itsalanlove he's got fans that support him. You wouldn't know what that's like. pic.twitter.com/IHKqo35QPB
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
@shanice_darby #girl #girl #girl #girl pic.twitter.com/qS7K1qw2JW
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
@bpd1 I think you'll find it's spelled 'Shut the Fuck Up' but thanks for trying! pic.twitter.com/QShNFGGveF
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
@LooseHamer you seem charming. pic.twitter.com/b9Lf8LGyoa
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
@ianwalker1991 @Stephdavis77 how about you stop clogging up this timeline with your boring ranting. #girl pic.twitter.com/8agUVGEmr1
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 3, 2016
@EgglestonMathew no. But I was looking at Demi Moore's knee, and it looked just like you! pic.twitter.com/DJzdRL1a94
— John Partridge (@mustbejp) February 4, 2016
JP was the first of the finalists to be evicted in last night’s final and was met with a mix of boos and cheers from the crowd. Before he went into the house John said that he was doing the show to help pay for his mother’s care home costs.