<a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt/">geralt</a> / Pixabay
Is it right that Transport For London is banning all junk food ads from across London’s transport network to reduce child obesity?
POLL DATE 23/10/18
66% Yes the right move
34% No it’s not up to TFL
Are you in a job you dreamt of doing as a child?
POLL DATE: 20/11/18
01% Yes and hating it
19% No but hope to one day
22% Yes and loving it
58% No, never going to happen
Do you smoke?
POLL DATE: 17/11/18
07% Vape
21% Cigarettes, pipes or cigars
24% Have quit
48% Never smoked
Would you change your sexuality if you could?
POLL DATE 25/10/18
80% Perfect the way I am
13% Not Sure
07% I’d change it
Do you believe in No Platforming?
POLL DATE 21/10/18
54% YES
46% NO
Should schools continue to teach Religious Studies?
POLL DATE 9/09/18
46% Continue to offer it
39% Should be removed
15% Not Sure
Would you holiday in a country where it’s technically illegal to be gay?
POLL DATE: 15/03/2018
77% No
12% Yes
11% Maybe
What do you think about the term queer as an umbrella term for LGBTs
POLL DATE: 17th July 2017
40% Appropriate
60% Inappropriate
Is it right that non-LGBT orgs like the BBC, National Theatre, Tate and the National Trust use the term “Queer” for their programming?
POLL DATE: 19th July 2017
47% Appropriate
53% Not Appropriate
Do you agree with the policy of No-Platforming for people whose opinions might be considered hateful or unprogressive?
POLL DATE: 21st May 2017
45% YES
36% NO
What terminology do you prefer to refer to the gay and bisexual male community?
POLL DATE: 7th June 2018
75% Gay and bisexual men
11% Men who have sex with men / MSM
13% Queer men
POLL DATE: 7th April 2017
80% Gay and bisexual men
13% Men who have sex with men / MSM
07% Queer men
What terminology do you prefer to refer to the lesbian and bisexual female community?
POLL DATE: 3rd June 2019
56% Lesbian and Bi Women
22% Gay Women
11% LBTQ Women
11% Queer women
What do you think of the term Men Who Have Sex With Men / MSM
POLL DATE: 8th April 2017
44% Too clinical
31% Adds to gay and bisexual erasure
16% You wouldn’t say, “Men Who Have With Women”
09% Negates other gay/bisexual struggles
Are you out at work?
POLL DATE: 20/02/17
79% YES
21% NO
Would you kiss your same-sex partner in a “straight pub”
POLL DATE: 18/02/17
60% YES
40% NO
Would you rather a million laughs or million pounds?
POLL DATE: 2/12/16
59% Million pounds
49% Million laughs
What do you think about the increased use of the word “Queer” to describe LGBT+ people?
POLL DATE: 24/09/2016
39% I don’t like it
33% I like it
28% Not sure yet
If you found out that your best friend was being cheated on would tell them?
POLL DATE: 2/12/2016
61% Yes
17% Confront the partner
16% Not sure
06% No
Do you think gay bars and clubs are under threat of terror attacks?
POLL DATE: 25/07/2016
36% More so than regular bars
33% About the same as others
26% A little more threat
05% No threat
Has the Orlando massacre made you nervous about going out on the scene?
POLL DATE: 14/06/2016
77% No, don’t let hate win
23% Yes, afraid for my safety
Do we drink too much?
POLL DATE: 5/05/2016
43% Just a social drink
31% Drink way too much
14% Birthdays and NYE only
12% Sober Suzy
Are body piercings hot?
POLL DATE: 6/05/2016
53% So not hot
47% Way hot