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Listen up, sweetie – emojis are no longer just cute little icons to spruce up your messages. They’re a powerhouse of expression that can make or break any conversation.
Need to add some sugar to a potentially awkward message? Choose your emojis wisely – not all are created equal, you know. And if you want to keep things interesting, toss in the most random emoji you can find and watch as your group chat loses their minds. But let’s be real, we all know what the real MVP of emojis is: the horny ones. Whether you’re trying to turn up the heat in your sexting game or simply wanna make your man know that you’re ready and waiting, a well-placed horny emoji can work wonders. Just remember, with great emoji power comes great emoji responsibility.
Not all horny emojis are created equal. Some are so blatantly, unapologetically horny that even your grandpa would know what you’re up to. But don’t underestimate the power of the sneaky emojis – the ones that carry a subtle, sexy undertone. It’s actually pretty impressive how we’ve managed to turn innocent little images into filthy symbols of our depravity. I mean, who could have predicted that a peach and an eggplant would one day become the most sexually charged emojis on our keyboards? Definitely not us, that’s for sure. It just goes to show that when it comes to our collective gutter-mindedness, the possibilities are endless.
Let’s be real, the peach and eggplant
have been hogging the horny emoji spotlight for way too long. It’s time to give some credit to the sneaky little numbers hiding in your emoji keyboard, just waiting for their chance to shine. Sure, they may not scream “I’m horny!”, but that’s the beauty of them – they provide a subtle, understated hint of sexiness that can take your conversation to the next level. Trust me, when used correctly, these innocent little pics can pack a powerful punch of suggestiveness. So don’t overlook them – give these low-key sexual emojis a chance to show what they’re made of.
The golden shower 

Oh, the shower emoji – innocent enough on its own, but connect the dots and things get steamy real quick. When you add the gold star, your shower time can mean only one thing. But here’s the thing: this emoji should only be used with caution. Save it for partners who know the deal, or when you’re feeling bold enough to give a detailed description of your shower shenanigans. Trust me, you don’t want to accidentally send this one to your boss or your grandma. Unless they’re into that kind of thing, in which case, go ahead and live your best life.
The Man Kneeling 
If you’re in a sub/dom relationship and you’re texting your dominant partner, there’s one emoji that speaks volumes without even needing an explanation. I’m talking about the collar emoji, folks. You know what it means, your partner knows what it means, and everyone else can just mind their own business. It’s a simple yet powerful symbol of submission, and when used in the right context, it can be seriously hot. So go ahead and embrace your inner submissive – just make sure you’re sending this emoji to the right person.
Give him the bone 
Let’s be real, the bone emoji is just as (if not more) obvious than the infamous eggplant. It’s the perfect choice when referring to their boner, peen, or how hard they are or might be. It’s also great for alluding to the next time you’re getting it on, reminiscing about the last time you got down and dirty, or expressing just how badly you want to jump their bones. I mean, it’s right there in the name – the bone emoji practically screams “I’m horny!”. Also great if you’re into pup play!
Pinched fingers 
Now, you’d think the fist would be the perfect emoji for fisting, but apparently, it’s the pinched fingers.
The screw and the hammer
Let’s talk tools, shall we? When it comes to horny emojis, the screw and hammer are two classic options that speak for themselves. The screw emoji may not be the sexiest-looking symbol out there, but it’s a great alternative to the more explicit words like “fuck” and “bang”. Send it to your FWB out of the blue and they’ll definitely get the message. As for the hammer emoji, it’s another tool that can be used to tell your partner exactly what you want – namely, for them to come “pound” you. There’s really no ambiguity here, folks. So whether you’re into screwing or hammering (or both), these emojis are here to help you get your point across.
Cum on then 
It’s not just sweat, it’s not just spray, it’s the emoji – a true master of horny subtlety. Is it a little bit of sweat after a hot and steamy session? Is it a naughty reference to cum? Or is it just a playful way to hint at your naughty intentions without being too explicit? The beauty of this emoji is that it can mean all of the above, and more. It’s a little droplet of mystery that leaves your recipient wondering just how wet things are going to get.

Yep… but you kinda knew this already didn’t you?

So if rimming is your thing and you wanna show that you want it, you put the peach on the left (you) and the tongue on the right. If you want to do the rimming then you put the tongue on the right and each on the left . Simple hey!?
The salute 
Is it a cock or is it a hand? Either way, we’re happy. On one hand, it means we’re getting some peen to the face, on the other, it means we’re happy to obey you, master.
Interesting article, may start using