A 15-minute self test kit has gone on sale in the UK.
BioSure have released a self-testing HIV kit, which gives you your HIV status after just 15 minutes. The test, which requires just one drop of blood, claims to be the world’s most accurate HIV self test. It is the only legally approved device for sale to test for HIV.
The self-test nature of the device means that testing for HIV can be done in the comfort of your own home, without having to book appointments with GPs or GUM clinics.
Recent figures from Public Heath England suggest that over 103,700 are living with HIV in the UK with 18,000 of those unaware that they are carrying the virus. PHE estimates that there are over 6,500 gay or bisexual men who are HIV positive but are unaware of their status.
The BioSure kit is available to anyone in the UK and costs £29.95 with £1 being donated to the National AIDS Trust.