We used to say it with flowers — but now the true sign of modern love is a change in Facebook status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’, according to research.

A survey asking 2,000 adults about the modern signs of true love found a massive 64 per cent said updating on social media makes a new relationship ‘official’. Having your partner’s photo as your desktop background, using their name for your online passwords and saving their favourite shows to your Netflix account were also named as modern signs of true love.
Amazingly, over a third of adults confessed they would say ‘I love you’ for the first time in a text, instant message or video chat.
The research also found being in constant contact is indicative of a modern relationship – with the average couple texting or instant messaging each other seven times throughout the day. Texting habits were often mentioned amid the list of true love, with 13 per cent who said they’d rather send a soppy text than buy a spontaneous gift for their partner. Sending a text in the morning and night is the done thing if living separately, said a quarter of adults – as well as sending one more when arriving somewhere safely.
Signing greeting cards from both of you, coming home from a night out to be with them and feeling strange having the bed to yourself were all named as modern signs of a serious relationship.
Interestingly, the results showed independence to be important in modern love, with many who said being able to have your own bank accounts and your own friends are signs of true love.
The study found many people look to Facebook to confirm a relationship – as a huge 63 per cent of adults said they’ve only found out about a friend’s new partner because of their profile updates. s well as a change in online relationship status, things are serious with a partner if they’re Facebook friends with your family members, said 19 per cent of adults.
And one in ten said a committed partner would ‘tag’ them on social media to let their friends know they’re on a date.

1. Signing greeting cards from both of you
2. Come home to them early when on a night out
3. Not wearing make-up or doing your hair
4. Feeling strange when you have the bed to yourself
5. Updating to ‘In a relationship’ on Facebook
6. Knowing what to order them when getting a takeaway
7. Being in constant contact, through texts, instant messages or calls
8. Texting when arriving somewhere so they know you’re safe
9. Texting goodnight/morning texts if you aren’t staying together
10. Having their photo as your desktop background/phone wallpaper
11. Buying their favourite food when grocery shopping
12. Answering the door to them in pyjamas/trackie bottoms
13. Having your own bank accounts/cash as well as a shared account
14. Your family members ‘adding’ your other half on social media
15. No longer being envious of your friends’ single lives
16. Finding yourself getting them spontaneous gifts based on private jokes
17. Each having your own friends, not just ‘couple friends’
18. Finishing off each other’s sentences
19. Enjoying doing their laundry when they’ve been staying with you
20. Having their favourite shows saved to your Netflix account
21. Tagging them on Facebook when you’re out together/on a date
22. Using his name or birthday for online passwords
23. Wearing one of his t-shirts to bed
24. Leaving a long line of kisses at the ends of texts or messages
25. Going on a diet/cutting out alcohol when they do