The critically acclaimed show Briefs: Close Encounters has found itself a new fan in the form of Alex Reid.
The show has been winning over critics all over London, now Alex Reid has added his voice to the show’s ever growing legion of fans. The star took to social media to say that the show represents “everything” that he is about. He said the show stood for freedom, equality and victims who don’t have a voice.
He said,
“Bloody brilliant show for everyone! Me and my fiancĂ© loved it. Show represents everything I’m about. Standing up for freedom, equality and victims who don’t have a voice,and all in a fun way!”
It emerged that the cage fighter reported his ex-wife Katie Price to the police after she revealed in a magazine interview that she had disturbing and disgusting images of the ex-cage fighter. The pair were married for 11 months before separating in 2011.
Alex Reid was seen attending Colindale Police Station in north London last week.
Speaking to Sunday People, Reid said that he had reported Katie to the police saying that “enough was enough” and said that he felt bullied and persecuted by her.  He said,
“I have reported her. Enough is enough. After seven years of bullying, harassment and threats I’ve had enough. I’ve been persecuted and it has to stop somewhere”.