Ireland is famous for many things. As a proud Irish man myself, I’ve grown up with Riverdance, Sinead O’Connor’s numerous tabloid meltdowns, Guinness, the outdated stereotypes of leprechauns and pots of gold. Oh, and Irish men. Because you see, ain’t nobody can do it like an Irish boy.
In the past we’ve swooned over Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson and more recently Colin Farrell, but there’s a smouldering new pack of Emerald hunks about to take Hollywood by storm and set hearts aflutter. These 10 guys will want you wishing you had some Irish in you.
10 ) An acquired taste perhaps, but anyone who has seen Michael’s stunning performances on Hunger or Shame, would know that the Kerryman is well, ahem, equipped. Fassbender has been on a steady rise to stardom the past few years. Smouldering, intense, Michael Fassbender is an intriguing proposition.