If you've watched The Assassination of Versace you may have been led to believe that Antonio D'Amico, Versace's long-term partner of 15-years died from a self-inflicted drug overdose, but in reality, Antonio is still very much alive.

What happened to Versace’s partner Antonio D’Amico and is he still alive?

If you’ve watched The Assassination of Versace you may have been led to believe that Antonio D’Amico, Versace’s long-term partner of 15-years died from a self-inflicted drug overdose, shortly after the designer’s murder by Andrew Cunanan, but in reality, Antonio is still very much alive.


Antonio in 1999, two years after the passing of his boyfriend, Gianni Versace.


In the last scenes of The Assassination of Versace, Antonio, played by Ricky Martin is seen taking a handful of pills before being found on the floor, near death by a member of staff, but in reality, Antonio is still alive and is now around 60-years-old.

Since Versace’s murder in 1997, Antonio has returned to fashion and has become a designer in his own right.

In Versace’s will, it is reported that Antonio was left a stipend of 15 million Lira a month (around £6,400 by today’s exchange rate, if Italian Lira were still currency) and the right to live in any of the homes owned by Gianni. However as shown in The Assassination of Gianni Versace the homes were actually owned by the fashion company, but it has been reported that after legal proceedings D’Amico won a limited right to live at homes. In the TV series, the viewer is almost led to believe that Antonio was left with nothing after the death of Versace, however, there was also a legal arrangement, that he would also have rights to a fraction of the 15 million Lira, according to Wikipedia.



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