DILEMMAS | Should We Have An Open Relationship?
This week in Barry’s Dilemmas page, reader Jack asks whether he and his partner should open up their relationship.
This week in Barry’s Dilemmas page, reader Jack asks whether he and his partner should open up their relationship.
Disney + hit the UK last month giving the gays unlimited viewing of princess films, High School Musical and Marvel hunks. However as Disney bought Fox last year and gained […]
Reader Jack asks our experts whether he and his partner should open up their relationship. Dear TGUK. I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 3 years. Over the past few […]
Midnight hits and we all imagine that we can become a different person; the parts of ourselves that are less than perfect come under intense scrutiny. And indeed it is […]
This week we help answer a reader’s worries about the dating scene and fears of being left behind. Dear Dilemmas I’ve been single for so long and I really hate […]
At the moment I’m currently working to promote the third year of Warrington pride. The theme that has been selected this year is Pride. At promotional events over summer we’ve […]
Sam Smith caused quite a few headlines earlier this year when he came out, However, he’s not the only soul singer “out” there at the moment. Sam Dickinson has been […]
The Marvel Now initiative was launched with the specific aim of re-launching their entire line bringing fresh ideas and voices to familiar titles. Part of this was to bring diversity […]
Slut, tramp, whore, slag, trollop, floozy, tart, Ho, skank, Loose, easy. All words that we use to describe someone of who is perceived as sexually promiscuous. Except we are not […]
Channel Four aired “Cure me, I’m gay” in which Dr Christian Jessen went undercover to see what gay conversion therapies are offered. Over the course of the programme we saw […]
Another year another Hack comes forward talking about the virtue of having a gay best friend and why they are essential. I’ve done the check list to make sure all […]