COLUMN | Why putting a pronoun in your signature isn’t always a good thing
Should putting your pronoun in emails, zoom calls and texts become standard practice? It can be a brilliant way to show allyship, but it can be deeply scarring for those […]
Should putting your pronoun in emails, zoom calls and texts become standard practice? It can be a brilliant way to show allyship, but it can be deeply scarring for those […]
Today is international data protection day, a day to highlight the importance of Data Protection and the right to privacy. But please don’t let that put you off reading further, […]
They’ve finally kissed, but what happened next???
I remember only too well when AIDS first impacted on my world and came into the public eye. In 1981 I was 19 and there was talk in the gay […]
I’m taking you back to 2016… I was lashed on my faux leather sofa, knocking back a much-needed glass of Savvy B. I can’t remember why it was much needed. […]
“Yes, 2020 has been shit for everybody, but that’s no reason for us to put our personal development on hold”
Block Builders… Open Your Boxes… NOW! The Great Audi Lego Challenge
Columnist Al Jenning is going to make some changes…
Bright Lights, Big City: Columnist Al Jenning confronts his past, with a trip to London We all have that one place that we love to visit, but it always stirs […]
The Sex Files, THE UNDATEABLE GAY reviews his past encounters and the issues of having a high sex drive. Not only has Coronavirus put us into a situation where we […]