COMMENT | How gay men Hooked Up before the tech
The Rural Closet In my mind, this is how I imagine the closet to be. A crowded dim place, smelling of hay, stale clothes, and dried semen. Somewhere a dog […]
The Rural Closet In my mind, this is how I imagine the closet to be. A crowded dim place, smelling of hay, stale clothes, and dried semen. Somewhere a dog […]
LGBTQIAPK – Has it all gone too far? – A follow up The rationale behind the question was about division by classification. Is this a form of segregation? Is it […]
When I was young gay bars and nightclubs were at the height of popularity and exclusively gay. I had no trouble finding men and no intention of settling down with […]
Do dating apps give men body image concerns and lower self-esteem? shutterstock Glen Jankowski, Leeds Beckett University As the dating app Tinder turns five, new research shows men who regularly use […]
Performance artist Nando Messias shares some tips on how to survive when you’re an effeminate man. For more insights come see Where 4 Roads Meet: Death and the Sissy, showing at […]
Ready those eye rolls… Which one of you is the girl???? “Well, we have a rota. I do Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. He does the Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On […]
Why is it so often the case that the struggle for equality can feel like one step forward and three back? In the UK, equalities minister Justine Greening has announced […]
Every year at THEGAYUK we list the films and stars that should win the Oscar picked from films that people have actually seen as opposed to over rated critics favourites […]
What makes a gay icon I hear you ask? Well, there’s not actually a specific set of rules, if someone is an icon, it rarely needs to be said, it’s […]
Damaged Goods or just quirky? In this article, I’d like to look at the concept of “damaged goods” and what we think that means. We’ve all heard of the term […]
On 9th December 2016, the Isle of Wight County Press (IWCP) published an article on their website about the island’s first Pride rally, which is due to take place in […]