COMMENT | What is ‘queer theory’ and why are people using it to become problematic?
Why is Queer Theory being blamed for
Why is Queer Theory being blamed for
I think I’ve been rather lucky in my 28 years on this planet, that I have surrounded myself by decent people and I’ve been lucky to know a lot of […]
We need to talk more about Chechnya.
I’m a fan of holidays and I’m also a fan of prizes, so a prize that’s also a holiday it’s pretty much up there with buttery crumpets and that new […]
Legislation repealed in 2003 continues to affect the professional life of LGBT+ teachers
The recent decision of the US Supreme Court to continue the Trump administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the military is an unnecessary limitation on organisational effectiveness.
In Romania over the last weekend, there was a vote on changing the wording of the constitution of the nation where marriage is defined as between two spouses to between one man and one woman.
Two solicitors, Craig Longhurst and Alex Watson from the leading law firm Fieldfisher write about the government’s plans to revisit the relevance of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and some of the issues facing the transgender community today.
Can the government create a robust enough system of ‘prevention’ which is better than the ‘cure’?
Beyond ‘The Grindr Killer’: What the Stephen Port case tells us about gender, sexuality and hierarchies of victimization in the Twenty-First Century
On Saturday, our Prince Harry becomes a married man, to actress Meghan Markle. Columnist Jack Strange writes why he’s raising a glass to the new married couple.. If you didn’t […]