Parish council in Derbyshire voted against flying rainbow flags – “dangerous precedent”
“Some councillors fear that a dangerous precedent could be set by flying this flag”
“Some councillors fear that a dangerous precedent could be set by flying this flag”
A campaign in Wales, which is aiming to give gay, bi and MSM (men who have sex with men) the right to donate blood in line with everyone else, is […]
In a landmark ruling, decided by a 6-3 vote, the US Supreme Court ruled overwhelmingly that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is a form of sex discrimination […]
Veteran LGBT+ activists are planning to lead a Pride march through the heart of London, despite London’s official Pride, Pride In London being postponed until 2021. Members from the London […]
One of the UK’s most popular radio stations, LBC, is letting Nigel Farage leave the station before his contract was officially over. The station which is owned by Global Media, […]
It’s Pride month across the world, but that hasn’t deterred Poland‘s President Andrzej Duda signing one of the most anti-LGBT+ charters in the EU. The charter defends the “institution of […]
Scotland‘s schools will offer LGBT+ history as it becomes the first nation in the world to add the struggle for equality in the LGBT+ community on its curriculum. The EdinburghLive […]
When men aren’t being sexy – they are in fact their sexiest…
If you’re a fan of man on man porn that’s genuinely trying (and succeeding in our opinion) to change mainstream gay porn then you’ll have to check out the latest […]
The British PM took to Twitter yesterday to thank the LGBT+ commounty for fighting tirelessly against prejudices.
Buried deep within the new set of regulations due to come into force today is a new section which bans “any social interaction” (including sex) with another person not from […]