GaydarRadio To Cease The Airwaves
QSoft Consulting can confirm that its GaydarRadio DAB licences will officially be handed over to Gaydio, a not for profit FM radio station for LGBT people, on the 7th January […]
QSoft Consulting can confirm that its GaydarRadio DAB licences will officially be handed over to Gaydio, a not for profit FM radio station for LGBT people, on the 7th January […]
TheGayUK announces its first ever New Year’s Recognition list, to acknowledge the massive support and campaigning efforts that companies, organisations and individuals have made to the LGBT community.
The holidays often bring new fragrances into our lives as our Christmas stockings are filled with last minute present ideas in the form of aftershaves and EDTs, tasked with finding […]
Conservative MP for Peterborough Stewart Jackson, who recently described plans to legalise gay marriage as an ‘outrage’ and a ‘disgrace’ slammed television programmes by Doctor Christian Jessen as ‘chav’ earlier […]
Today, the City of Westminster Council has lifted the mandatory minimum admission fee that Manbar inherited when it took over the premises licence. Manbar is now open until late every […]
Due to popularity of Manbar’s DJ led nights every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Manbar is now going live with DJs every night of the week except Sunday and some holidays. […]
A petition has gone live on the Whitehouse’s website, asking the Obama Administration to legally recognise the infamous Westboro Bapist Church as a hate group. The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) […]
SACRED, Chelsea Theatre’s exploration of live art and contemporary performance launches this October for an exciting new season extending to February 2013.
The brand new sexual health campaign by The Gay UK and 56 Dean Street has received high profile support from MPs across the country with numerous politicians taking to their […]
TheGayUK and 56 Dean Street, the popular HIV and sexual health centre in Soho, are pleased to announce a brand new venture to bring sexual health information to your desktop, […] have announced the following statement