FILM REVIEW | Mission Impossible: Fallout
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT – The sixth high octane spy thriller of Impossible Missions
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT – The sixth high octane spy thriller of Impossible Missions
There is an old saying in theatre that “the show must go on” and nowhere is that old adage put more to the test than in The Play That Goes Wrong, a comedy of errors which collates every actor’s worst nightmare and throws them at the cast who are determined to carry on regardless.
What comes out of the production is an underlying theme of love between the characters, from the newlyweds to the eloping couple to the elderly husband and wife, and it is this which packs the emotional punch and brings the human cost of the tragedy sharply into focus.
This should have been a car crash in all honesty but it is full on Formula 1 massive success.
Sexy and sumptuous, although the mains are a little thin on the ground.
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Whilst musical revues can often come across as sycophantic, Thriller Live manages to sidestep being the gushing praise-fest that it could be, and instead allows the party atmosphere, music, songs and dance routines to speak for themselves in an undemanding evening of foot tapping, high end cabaret.
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The script is warm and instantly accessible, although a little clumsy at times in its integration of high drama and sitcom humour; and whilst the songs are undeniable classics and span the length of her career, they are perhaps not abundant enough.