This is how many men would like to be in a poly marriage
I do, I do, I do… Men who want to have a poly relationship or marriage (that’s a relationship with more than one person) is on the rise. New research […]
I do, I do, I do… Men who want to have a poly relationship or marriage (that’s a relationship with more than one person) is on the rise. New research […]
Guys, if you find yourself unable to last long in bed – we’ve got ten tips that might help. You’re halfway through your performance with a totally hot guy you […]
What is a white glove bottom and how do you know if you are one? A white glove bottom is a guy who won’t bottom (be penetrated by another guy) unless […]
After having bareback sex, this reader asks what are the options available to getting PEP on the NHS. Dear TGUK, I recently hooked up with a guy I know to […]
I’ve been on a few dates in my time (with a few more to come I suspect) and the more you go on the more you learn about dating and […]
One Night Stands can be a whole mix of emotions from pre-bedroom nerves to an overwhelming fear of doing something wrong. Of course they can also be a lot of […]
Have you ever wondered if one ball hanging lower than the other way normal? Or why one is bigger than the other? Medical Director from Pharmacy2U, Dr Nitin Shori, answers […]
A reader tells the doctor that he’s been feeling unwell 3 years after having a sexual encounter with two guys. Doctor Nitin Shori Medical Director of answers his concerns. Dear […]
This week a reader asks how he might get rid of genital warts, Dr Nitin Shori answers the question. Dear Doctor I have genital warts and don’t want to get […]
A reader asks our sexual health experts on how easy it is to get HIV from unprotected oral sex. Dear TGUK Me and a former boyfriend had partial sex several […]
We’re asking our readers which are the most annoying and totally outrageous bisexual myths that you want to dispell… Use the form below to let us know the […]