5 Ways to Make Working From Home Easier
Not everyone can work from home and for those who are on the frontline of the current public health crisis; you have my thanks and my respect. But for those […]
During this time, isolation can be just as scary as any other part of the Covid-19 outbreak particularly if you’re LGBT+. We asked leading HIV Awareness advocate Philip Baldwin what […]
Does social distancing also mean hookups? What about hooking up and having sex during the current situation, particularly if you’re living with HIV? Firstly we asked Doctor Earim Chaudry, the […]
We’ve all seen the pictures of empty shelves at supermarkets from people buying more than they need – but why are people bulk buying? The reason we are panic buying […]
Health officials have outlined guidance for self-isolating if you have symptoms of Covid-19. The symptoms of Covid-19 include a new continuous cough and/ or a high temperature. The guidance states […]
These are fake. According to Doctor Hilary on this morning’s, Good Morning Britain, Dr Hilary warned against buying into a scam, which sees fake kits being sold for £20 which […]
As thousands of us are facing lockdowns and self isolations anxiety levels for some are rising. As countries around the globe fully or partially closed down public services, shops and […]
How clean is your mobile phone? And we’re not talking about the private picture area of your Grindr account. Nope. Apparently your phone is probably dirtier than a loo seat […]
Did you know you can test yourself for HIV in the comfort of your own home? Thanks to at-home testing you no longer have to book an appointment at your […]
The British HIV Association (BHIVA) has issued a statement saying that people living with HIV are at no greater risk regarding coronavirus. However, the BHIVA has recommended that people living […]
Breathe In… Breathe Out… If you read my previous piece on Witch Influencers and New Wellness Trends, then you know my thoughts on how essential it is to take time […]