We’ve created this page to help you keep updated with the latest on Coronavirus / COVID-19.
We’ve also included some helpful links and articles about what to do during this unprecedented time.
Click here for the latest information on Covid-19 from the Government
Feeling anxious, depressed?
Check out these helplines and support groups
A free emotional support website that always offers online therapy.
Join THEGAYUK Network on Facebook for some downtime fun and connections with other guys.
Health resources
The World Health Organisation myth busters
Articles to help
Five ways to organise yourself to work from home
Could a social media detox be good for the soul?
Here’s what you can do if you’re suffering anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic
Is it time to meditate? Here’s what you need to know
5 calming things if you have anxiety can do
I came off Twitter for a week, and I was so much happier for it
Recipes to aid the immune system
Check out all our immune-boosting recipes
Should I stop using Grindr / Hooking up?
Does sex pass on Coronavirus? – It could be passed on through rimming. Here’s what we know.
Can coronavirus be spreading sexually?
HIV and COVID-19
I’m feeling really isolated – what can I do?
I’m living with HIV – is it safe for me to hook up with people?
I’m worried about getting my meds if there’s a lockdown – what can I do?