Disney has always been a little bit, gay, but now one character is proudly out and has actually said it.

Disney has always been a little bit, gay, but now one character is proudly out and has actually said it.

Times are changing at Disney as a character formerly comes out and announces “I’m gay!” No more closeted nods to the LGBT+ community, nope we have a fully fledged gayer in Disneyverse.

Now, the likelihood of you knowing the character in question is pretty unlikely unless you spend time watching the Disney channel show, Andi Mack, but the character Cyrus Goodman became the very first Disney character to utter the words, I’m Gay.


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The character is played by Joshua Rush who is 16, although his character is just 13 in the series.

In the episode, Cyrus finds the courage to come out to his friend Jonah while describing the food at a wake for his grandmother. He utters the words:

“That’s gefilte fish—skip that,” he warns before blurting out, “and I’m gay.”

After a slight pause, Jonah replies “Yeah? Okay, cool.”

Watch it here

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Taking to Twitter, Joshua said that working on the show was a blessing before adding that it was a “milestone” for the character.



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