What can you do to not feel lonely
When the Grindr and Zoom chat don't cut it anymore

Post-pandemic, many of us have found ourselves feeling more lonely than we ever have. Sure, we may have more ways to connect than ever before, but let’s face it, Grindr chats and Zoom meetings can only go so far.

A recent survey of 2000 adults conducted by Santander UK showed that around a fifth of people are feeling increasingly isolated during the pandemic. While 14% of people worry that they have lost friends forever due to not being able to meet with them.


Currently, a fifth of the population live alone and 38 per cent currently feel lonely – 14 per cent more than those who reside with someone else.

Being LGBT+ can also exacerbate loneliness issues, with many feeling that they already live on the periphery of society, so a question posed recently on Reddit revealed how some gay guys are dealing with their loneliness.

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Passing the time with entertainment

If I’m feeling lonely I read books. TONS OF BOOKS. It puts me in the characters lives and it usually makes me feel better. VIA

Another added,

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I tend to throw myself at hobbies. Biggest one right now is reading but I also build models. Another big one is art. I’ve been challenging myself to draw dumb stuff but only with a pen. This way if I mess up, I have to figure a way to incorporate it into the drawing. It’s pretty fun actually. VIA

Do more of what makes you happy

Take the time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy, besides having a snuggle partner or boyfriend. Find things that make you, the individual, happy, like photography, hiking, writing or cooking for example. When you find things that you enjoy, you’ll realize that when someone does come along, he’ll be an addition to your happiness and not your only reason for happiness. VIA

A pet?

Get a cat/dog VIA

Go out

I’m lucky enough to live close to a really some incredible county parks systems and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Cleveland, OH. It’s not anything special, we’re not talking the Pacific Northwest or the Rockys, but it’s a quiet large outdoor space I go to when I’m lonely or upset. It feels like MY special place. Running really changed my life. I go maybe 7 or 8 miles and then if I’m still feeling rough or have more time to kill, I’ll go for a hike after but definitely didn’t start at that rate. VIA

Loneliness the new hunger?

Loneliness is like hunger, it’s your mind’s way of letting you know that you need to socialize. VIA

Don’t allow loneliness to be all-consuming

Seeking companionship is important, but, you shouldn’t allow it to destroy you. Even in a relationship, these views can break you apart. You may want to find the source. Finding why you feel this way is an important step. Don’t use your phone before bed or watch tv late, it will help you with sleep. I’ve constantly felt that way in the past, feeling empty and lonely, it’s just a moment, it will pass. Find you. VIA

About the author: TheNewsDesk
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