A horrifying story has emerged from Chechnya where a gay teenager was apparently killed by his uncle.

Numerous reports are being published about gay men are being treated by authorities in Chechnya
The story about 17-year-old’s alleged murder told by a religious leader.
Survivors reveal that police are allegedly telling families to kill their gay relatives.
A 17-year-old male was allegedly pushed off the 9th floor of an apartment in Chechnya, by his uncle, to his death, after he was outed to his family. He was killed to “wash the shame” from his family because they have a gay relative. The story has emerged after a survivor from the gay detention camps in Chechnya told his story to the Russian magazine, Snob.
Speaking to the magazine the survivor spoke about he tried to open up about his sexuality to his religious leader, who told him to leave and that he was “disgusting”. The leader said he hoped his “relatives have the dignity to wash away your shame”.
The leader also told him about the killing of the 17-year-old. He said, that the uncle had been invited to commit the act in order to “wash the shame” away from the family.
It has been reported that Chechen police have been telling the parents of gay children to kill them. Earlier in the week, another survivor told France 24 News, that police told families, “Either you do it, or we will’. They call it: ‘Cleaning your honour with blood.”
The survivor added,
“We’ve always been persecuted, but never like this. Now they arrest everyone. They kill people, they do whatever they want.”