One of the world’s biggest hookup apps for gay and bi men is about to get a massive update.

In a new update, Grindr, one of the world’s busiest dating and hook up apps for gay and bi men will add options to cater for women and trans people. New options will include, trans woman, trans man, non-binary and “queer”.


Users will also be able to choose which pronouns they prefer including “they” and “them”.


In an article in Grindr’s online magazine, the company said, “The trans community navigates tricky waters when it comes to online dating, from confusion over their gender identity to harassment to sometimes worse.  Grindr gets this and they’re doing something about it.”

To accompany the changes, Grindr has created an entire FAQ section, written in consultation with the National Center for Transgender Equality, and includes information on gender identity and help, it says, to help non-trans people “interact respectfully”.


It also provides insight on how to go about hooking up with a trans person as well a helpful article on what it means to be transgender, non-binary and cis-gender. It also includes advice on asking a transgender person about surgeries that they may have had or not.

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It also has resources to help transgender people feel safe, with a number of numbers and contact details for people to call should they find themselves in trouble.