If you’re anything like us, Post-it notes are a bit of an office rarity – more valuable than gold. This company just did something kinda cool, but has given us serious stationery jealously.

A giant installation made from 10,000 multi-coloured post-it notes has appeared today (5th July) at the London office of global communications group Engine, to celebrate the launch of its new LGBT+ network and partnership with LGBT+ charity Stonewall.


The installation, which was created overnight by 10 staff at Engine’s six storey Great Portland Street office, forms a giant rainbow-coloured ‘Love Happens Here’ location pin across two sides of the building. It ties into this year’s Pride in London ‘Love Happens Here’ campaign, created by Engine’s advertising business WCRS, and will remain in place for the Pride in London parade taking place this weekend.


Founded by staff from across Engine’s 14 different businesses, the new network has been set up to celebrate Engine’s LGBT+ community and champion a safe, inclusive and positive work environment. It is supported and funded by Engine, and will be organising regular events and talks for staff, as well as working closely with the business’s HR and management teams on policy.



The launch is part of Engine’s wider commitment to nurturing diversity which has seen the group launch a ‘Better With Balance’ gender equality initiative designed to achieve 50/50 male-female representation in senior roles, through policies that include gender-balanced shortlists for all senior roles, sponsorship and compulsory unconscious bias training. Engine also participates in a number of apprenticeship schemes, the Creative Equals programme, Speakers for Schools and provides inclusive work experience placements throughout the organisation.

As part of the launch of the network, Engine will be hosting speakers from Stonewall and Pride in London. The company will also be celebrating its current staff by sharing personal stories and messages of support via a twitter takeover with #EnginePride.


Simon Peck, Group Managing Director of Engine UK said:

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“Ensuring Engine is a diverse and inclusive place to work is incredibly important to us.
“Diverse businesses are not only better places to work, they are more innovative and more successful, which is why I am thrilled to be launching this next development in our diversity commitment.”

Dominic Arnall, Head of Projects and Programmes at Stonewall said:

“The Stonewall Diversity Champions programme aims to help organisations ensure they have thriving and active LGBT+ networks and policies at the forefront of diversity and inclusion.

“We’re delighted to welcome Engine into the programme and we are looking forward to working closely with them in the future as their LGBT+ network grows and grows.”