When it comes to party planning, preparation is key… whether that party is a candlelit soiree or a full on f**kfest!
Location Location Location
Location is everything, so choose your orgy venue wisely. Usually, it will be at someone’s house or apartment, so make sure that your walls are thick enough not to annoy the neighbours with the groans of your guests (although you could use a gag… if that’s your thing).
You don’t want to be halfway through your activities when your neighbours start hollering for you to STFU.
Pick a playlist
Music is key to setting the right atmos. Something with a good beat, around 120 bpm will keep the pace and the heart rate up. You kind of want it bland enough that it mixes into the background and doesn’t distract from what’s going on. I.e. don’t put Britney’s “Toxic” or Kylie’s “Your Disco Needs You” into the playlist, unless you suddenly want people to start doing routines.
Also, make the playlist a few hours long. You don’t want the music stopping halfway through. That silence will really screw up the mood.
Good mix of tops and bottoms
You want to make sure there’s a good mix of tops, bottoms and vers guys. You don’t want there to be too many tops – the bottoms will get tired of the pounding if there are 10 guys waiting in line.
It may well be many a bottom’s fantasy to have guys lining around the corner ready to take their turn, but fantasy and reality are two very different mistresses.
Too many bottoms and you’ll have bored top lads waiting for the fun to come to them. A good mix could be one strict top and a vers guy to every strict bottom. That should keep things flowing nicely.
If you’re planning to bottom at an orgy, you might want to consider how you’re gonna clean out properly. Check out our advice on douching.
Let everyone know what everyone else is into
It’s good to have a group huddle before things get started in order to lay down some ground rules, to let everyone know what people are up for – whose bottoming, topping and who’s up for anything.
You could use a sharpie or felt tip to let guys know which position they are taking. For instance, you could use a ↑ mark for tops and ⚬ mark for bottoms and ⇿ for vers guys.
It might also be a good time to sort out a safe word – that everyone knows and can adhere to.
Create a group chat the day before
If you know everyone’s number you could add them all to a WhatsApp group or on Grindr there’s the ability to create a private group chat. Get everyone joined up and let the conversations flow. Guys can share what they’re looking for and share pictures. A great way to get the horniess levels rising.
Leave history at the door
It best to try and find guys who have no history with each other or malice towards each other. Getting two exes in the same room is going to really kill the mood, especially if there are unresolved issues.
So try and find guys who don’t know each other.
Test and test again. Before you have some group play everyone ideally should get their sexual health in order. That way you can all relax a little more without the worry of passing on infections to each other. You can currently get a free HIV test from the charity, Saving Lives if you use the promo code GAYUK20 Just click here to order your HIV Self Test Kit today.
Be PrePared

Condoms are sometimes the default, but more and more guys are getting into PrEP because they are interested in bareback or breeding. If you’re not on PrEP yet, ask your sexual health practitioner for more details about whether its right for you.
Lube and then so more lube
Can’t be stressed how important lube is, especially if you’re going to be taking the D from a number of guys or if the orgy lasts for hours. Silicone-based lube tends to last longer, but if you’re wanting something ultra long-lasting you might wanna try out a fisting lube or evening a numbing lube.
Lead picture by NoirMale. Get your subscription to NoirMale here.