Cameron Hawthorn becomes one of the latest country music stars to come out.

Cameron Hawthorn becomes one of the latest country music stars to come out.

The Country music singer, Cameron Hawthorn has used his latest music video to “Dancing In The Living Room” to reveal to his fans that he’s in a relationship with another man.


In the video, a range of couples are seen romantically dancing in their own homes and one of the couples happens to be Cameron and his partner, who join together and slow dance in their very own living room.


“I remember always thinking how special it was to dance freely with my boyfriend in the living room of our apartment,” he tells The Advocate.


“Being gay, it’s not as easy to dance as a couple in public together as it is for a straight couple. I wanted to express how special that moment is for a couple when it’s just the two of you in the privacy of your own four walls.”

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Cameron joins a handful of out Country singers including, Billy Gillman and Ty Herndon who both came out in 2014. In the early 20-teens, Steve Grand made global headlines when he became the first male country singer to come out as gay.

About the author: Jake Hook
The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.