We die we die…

The salad lady Nikki Romaine took the internet by storm when millions of people engaged with the “in front of my salad” storyline. For those not in the know, she somehow was unaware that two guys were shagging right in front of her as she was eating salad…” She was inducted into the meme hall of fame instantly for the epic, nah, almost legendary line that followed when she figured out that they weren’t just grilling cheese.
Now those folks at the gay porn studio, Men.com have given the “in front of my salad’ girl a sequel… Watch below as she literally loses her salad.
Please note the below embed is NSFW.
#MENteaser @Men brings you “Right In Front Of My Salad, Again!” ?? @JaxtonWheeler @LukeAdamsXXX #RightInFrontOfMySalad #ComingSoon pic.twitter.com/kpMvS5igtu
— Men.com (@Men) September 3, 2017

Please note the lavish salad items – this woman goes to town – we see chickpeas – tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, greens- so many glorious greens… Oh yeah – and there’s, of course, two hunky guys going at it in a “massage room”.
The bit we love is at the end when she screams … not again.
Someone has to give the salad lady, her own show.