We sent writer Matt Peake to speak with porn star Josh Milk on what it’s like to be in gay porn and what the future of gay porn will be like.

MP: Can you explain the experience of your first job?
JM: I got into the porn by chance. I was lucky. A well-known friend of mine who just started in the business had a shoot in a porn film but his partner failed, and then asked me to join him and I did accept immediately. My first experience was absolutely great to me since I did it with a very close friend of mine.
MP: Is it hard to find romantic partners as sex is such an intimate part of the human experience, how do you balance the act versus the deeper connection? What are your thoughts about sex and relationships?
JM: From my point of view it is not difficult to find a romantic partner or boyfriend no matter of the profession I dedicate myself. To me, it is more important the feelings and respect of your partner to go through the relationship. Business is business, and out of it is personal decision. When I am doing porn I am working and do not have affection, feeling or love. With my partner sex is completely different, I do express my feelings and totally different.
MP: Have you ever dated another porn star?
JM: Absolutely not. I never date with other porn stars.
MP: Are there things you’ve learnt doing porn that you’ve included in your personal life? Do partners expect you to be ‘experts’ of sex?
JM: Before the porn business, my sexual life was completely satisfactory and then I have not discovered anything that I already knew before. Most people think that as a porn actor you have to be a sex machine, and I find it crazy. You can be a porn actor and have no idea how to f**k privately and the contrary too.
MP: Do you receive bizarre messages from fans? What is the weirdest message/ request you’ve received from a fan?
JM: Yes, I receive a lot of messages, from those that are in love with me or from those that want me as a boyfriend. The rest of the proposition they can pay me!
MP: Do you sleep with your fans? Would you sleep with a fan if they paid you?
JM: Of course I do sleep with my fans if I get paid. I do not offer my porn side when I am escorting, although some do not find the difference.
MP: Do you worry about STIs? Do you think bareback porn is contributing to rising rates of HIV in young gay men?
JM: I am very worried about STIs as everybody is. Nobody fancies having diseases. With respect to bareback, the answer is yes and no. Each time I shoot bareback porn all partners have to show analytical tests to make sure we all are negative. But of course, there is always a risk.
MP: What’s the best/ worst thing about doing porn?
JM: The best is that you get to know many new people, and the worst is that sometimes the shooting lasts too many hours.
MP: What do you think is the future of porn?
JM: The future… let me think… Oh yes, the cum shots will splash through 3D (laughs).
MP: What’s the average day of a porn star?
JM: When I am shooting I spend time with partners, directors, camera men, etc. When the shoot is finished I am again Jose and do not behave as Josh. My average day is to do cleaning house, shopping at supermarkets, preparing food, going to gym, visiting friends, etc.
MP: What other plans have you got in place for the future? JM: The best thing about porn, if you do not get bored too soon, is that you can change your role from twink, daddy to BDSM.
In the near future, my plans are to go on in this business. But who knows what life throws at you.
MP: How would you describe your sexuality?
JM: Open minded.
MP: What are your opinions on porn?
JM: Porn should be back to the 80s for creating a new star system. Nowadays you can’t earn enough money for living.