Jim Parsons is one of the highest paid gay men on TV, but what about his personal life? Is he married and who is his husband?

Big Bang Theory‘s main star, Jim Parsons is probably one of the most famous out gay men on TV, he also happens to be one of the highest paid actors too. In 2014 it was reported that Jim nets $1 million per episode of the comedy, Big Bang Theory.
So is Jim married?
Yes, Jim Parsons is married, he’s married to a man called Todd Spiewak, who is an art director. Todd apparently graduated from Boston University in 1999. He reportedly has a degree in graphic design.
Todd is just a couple of years younger than Jim at 42 years-old. He was born in January 1977. Jim, on the other hand, was born in March 1973.
The couple has been together, according to IMDB, for over 14 years, although they actually wed in 2017. The couple apparently met when Todd’s boss and Jim’s friend set the two up on a blind date in 2002.