As it stands, all we really know is that Covid-19 is spread through droplets from when people sneeze and cough.
The reproduction rate of the coronavirus is pretty high (higher than the normal flu) which is why we’re being told to wash our hands for 20 seconds and to cough and sneeze into the crook of our elbow or into tissues.
Is the virus spread through sexual contact?

Speaking to Doctor Earim Chaudry, Medical Director at Manual’s told us that “Covid-19 is not a sexually transmitted disease”.
He added,
“While Coronavirus isn’t an STI, the virus can still be transmitted by direct content between two people and if one partner is infected, there’s a strong chance the other partner would also contract the virus.
“The virus can enter through these droplets through the eyes, nose or throat if you are in close contact, which means it can be spread by touch if a person has used their hands to cover their mouth or nose when they coughed or sneezed.
So what are the chances of being infected if you come into contact with someone who has Covid-19? Well as Dr Chaudry explains, “Covid-19 is also a highly infectious virus, which means if you are in close contact with someone infected there’s a high chance you will also become infected”.
If you’re having sex at this time, the good doctor gives this advice,
“As for safe sex, I wouldn’t recommend getting intimate with someone you’re unfamiliar without protection regardless of Covid-19.
“Always practice good ole fashioned safe sex: that means wearing a condom if you don’t know your partner’s sexual health/history. Stay safe!”
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So what are the symptoms?

The symptoms to look out for are primarily a new cough or fever.
Find out how long you and your household need to self-isolate for if you have any of these symptoms.