It’s a year ago today that Steve Grand made history with his All American Boy single, making him the first, openly gay Country singer in the US.
Within 8 days the music video for All American Boy had over 1m views on YouTube. The song, set against a backdrop of country roads, an American flag and friends around a campfire, tells the story of unrequited love between two men.
Grand recorded the vocals in his parents’ basement and maxed out his credit card to self-fund the groundbreaking video. The video was directed and edited by award-winning Chicago filmmaker Jason Knade
In May Steve Grand said that his debut, crowd funded album would be delayed. Grand managed to raise $326,593 to independently record his album – he initially asked for just $81,000.
Taking to his Facebook page, Grand said, ‘Today, July 2nd, is the 1-year anniversary of the release of “All-American Boy,” and I’m pretty sure I’m wearing the exact same white V-neck.
I’m going to be working on recording my album all day (as I will be doing everyday until it is done and finished and most likely released in September), but I want to still take a few moments throughout the day to celebrate with you. And that starts with a giant “THANK YOU!!” .’