PACE is pleased to offer a new counselling service for LGBT people who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse can and does occur in same sex and trans relationships. Counselling can help those who have experienced domestic abuse overcome trauma, recover and rebuild their lives. It can provide a safe, non-judgemental environment to work through the impact of both past and continuing abuse.
Kath Blake Counselling Service Manager at PACE says,
“it can be difficult to recognise when a relationship becomes abusive and many people hide their experiences. Discussing situations with a trained professional can enable people to make changes and deal with the multiple challenges that people in abusive intimate partner relationships face”.
This service is free, and part of DAP, a new domestic abuse partnership offering practical help with, for example, housing and legal issues, as well as providing emotional support and counselling.
The DAP is made up of 5 LGBT agencies who each provide different services for LGBT victims/survivors of domestic abuse. With one phone call, you will be linked in with Stonewall Housing, Galop, Pace, London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, and Broken Rainbow.
If you’re currently experiencing abuse in your relationship, have recently come out of an abusive relationship or have experienced abuse from a family member, do get in touch with PACE.