Championing body positivity, inclusive rugby and cancer awareness the Naked Rugby Calendar has returned for a brand new calendar.

The Naked Rugby Players have returned with their 2019 calendar and it looks EPIC.

Championing body positivity, inclusive rugby and cancer awareness the Naked Rugby Calendar has returned for a brand new calendar. According to sources, 71 cisgender and trans men took part in the project, which photographed inclusive rugby teams in the nude from all over the country.

The calendar boasts 24 brand new pictures and a handy reminder each month for people to check their tackles for lumps and bumps.


This year the creative team behind the calendar decided to go a little “renaissance” with the pictures. Speaking about the process photographer Monty McKinnen said, “If there is a connection between art and rugby then we were determined to drag it to the fore, kicking and screaming, if necessary

“With a few cleverly angled soft lights, hard shadows and some furlong and battle weary figures strewn about the place, maybe, just maybe, we thought we could pull off a bit of the Renaissance with this calendar in the few hours we had with each club.

“As with the first calendar our brief has always been the same, take the individuals as we find them. We didn’t want models, we wanted characters and, showing these characters in this artistic light, shows the beauty in us all.

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“That which is in the eye of the beholder, sounds corny yes, but it’s a fact!”


Each year, around 200,000 men are diagnosed with cancer and 80,000 will die from the disease.

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As with the first calendar, a proportion of the money raised through the sales will go to Balls to Cancer to help with research.

It is available to buy now on and and Amazon

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