The problem with being George Michael is that so much good music has gone before it’s almost impossible to top your past achievements.

When you think back to the 80s and 90s the Wham and George Michael songbook is the soundtrack to our lives. From Wake Me Up Before You Go to Outside the man is a genius songwriter. Lyrically, melodically George knows how to put together a song.

We’ve been waiting for his next single and our hopes were high, after the underwhelming release of 2009’s December Song we kept our fingers crossed that the Wham Man would be back on form, but alas no.


White Light is a chronicle of George Michael’s recovery from illness last year, when he caught pneumonia and life was touch and go. Lyrically, this song is strong and interesting and self assured, however the music is dire. Pet Shop Boys were doing this type of mix twenty years ago and the song has no chorus to speak off, George’s trademark husk and breathy voice never even gets chance to kick out of first gear. At least with PSB they wrote choruses to enjoy, but ‘White Light’ fails again to deliver a hook, it feels awkward.

Unfortunately, I feel, this is one single that will fail to win any new fans and may lose a few in the process. White Light? White Elephant.

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Out 12th August

About the author: Jake Hook
The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.