What is PrEP? Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, it is a drug treatment protocol using a prescription medicine called Truvada and has been shown in a recent trial to be highly effective […]
What is PrEP? Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, it is a drug treatment protocol using a prescription medicine called Truvada and has been shown in a recent trial to be highly effective […]
What does queer mean? Queer is a term which up until recently was a derogatory and aggressive term used to describe mainly homosexual men in the 19th century by heterosexual […]
What does Undetectable mean? Undetectable is a term used in the HIV community and describes whether HIV is detectable in someone’s bloodstream. People who are “undetectable” cannot pass on HIV […]
What is Deadnaming? Deadnaming is when a person refers to someone by a previous name, it could be done with malice or by accident. It mostly affects transgender people who […]
What does heteronormative mean? Heteronormative, or heteronormativity is a word used a lot in connection with the LGBT experience. It refers to what is normally (normative) expected from society – […]
What does intersex mean? Intersex stands for a sex variance between the binary of male and female, or Cisgender. Generally speaking, Cisgender people are those whose gender identity or expression […]
What does power bottom mean? Power Bottoms are those who dominate in sex but are those who enjoy receiving anal sex – or someone who can power through and take […]
What does bottom mean? What or who is a Bottom in terms of gay sex? Well, it could mean a variety of things to a variety of people, but generally, […]
What does Gloryhole mean A gloryhole is a slang term mostly used in the gay cruising world. A glory hole, simply put, is a hole in a wall, door or […]
What does pansexual mean? Pansexuality is described and identified as a: romantic, sexual and emotional attraction to people of any sex or gender identity. The Oxford English Dictionary describes […]
What does White Glove Bottom mean? A white glove bottom is a guy who won’t bottom (be penetrated by another guy) unless he’s completely sure he’s completely clean if you […]