Do condoms protect you from every sexual infection?
Sex can be a risky business, so it’s good to know what can protect you…
Sex can be a risky business, so it’s good to know what can protect you…
Should you bin it or flush it… Here’s what you need to do with your used condom?
Condoms are an important part of safer sex, especially if you’re not on PrEP and are engaging in anal sex, but what should you do with the rubber once you’ve spaffed your load.
A reader asks how he can still have sexy time with his man but make sure that they leave no trace for the inlaws to find. DEAR UNC This Christmas […]
How successful are condoms at protecting against sexually transmitted infections?
Condoms are a great way to enjoy safer sex – but are flavoured condoms any less safe?
What is a condom? A condom (male or female) is an artificial barrier which stops bodily fluids from mixing between one person to another during sexual activity. They remain the best […]
Passport, check. Tickets, check. Travel insurance, check. Condoms? If you’re travelling you may not want to jinx your chances of overseas escapades by packing condoms, and while I would sternly […]
Jokes about veganism are very distasteful. Personally, this excites me… as I am a vegetarian. Yep, there are now vegan condoms. So now, if you’re of a veggie persuasion you’ll […]
Condoms have had a lot of negativity thrown at them, for destroying the moment of passion whilst you fiddle around with lubed fingers trying to put one on, to wondering […]
As STI infections soar in gay and bisexual men across the UK, a poll released by GMFA shows that a staggering 39 per cent of gay and bisexual men are […]