This is the exact date when gay cruising grounds are the most popular
You’d be surprised at when gay cruising is most popular
You’d be surprised at when gay cruising is most popular
yes, there are gay cruising grounds in Glasgow
yes, there are gay cruising grounds in Edinburgh
No matter where you are in the UK, you’ll never be too far from a cruising ground!
Did you know there are many gay cruising and dogging grounds in Norwich? Whether you love or loathe the idea of anonymous outdoor gay sex, it’s hard to escape the […]
Everything you need to know before you go out cruising in public. What are cruising or dogging grounds? Cruising Grounds are defined as open spaces where men look for sex […]
Whether you love or loathe the idea of anonymous outdoor gay sex, it’s hard to escape the fact that gay cruising grounds are all around us. You probably don’t even […]
You’re probably no further than a half a mile from a gay cruising ground in London!
If you go down to the woods today… By Leon Horton Exit my back door at speed (so many have), turn left, hotfoot it past the school, take another left […]
The Rural Closet In my mind, this is how I imagine the closet to be. A crowded dim place, smelling of hay, stale clothes, and dried semen. Somewhere a dog […]