Watch out for this clever Grindr Scam
Don’t share your data with this scammer
Using a dating app like Grindr, discreetly can be important for maintaining your privacy and personal boundaries. Here are some tips on how to do so: Remember, discretion is a […]
This hack is gonna save you lots of time
Is the time you’re spending on Grindr time well spent? Are you getting what you want out of it, or do you find yourself spiralling after a night of tapping, […]
SMALL PENIS? Great things come in small packages A dating app designed for guys with smaller penises has become an unexpected hit with the gay and bi male community according […]
The do’s and don’t’s of gay dating apps…
A new study has found that eyes are the most important feature when it comes to getting hooked up online. The eyes are definitely the window to a soul-mate – […]
Just in case you weren’t aware that you’re required to socially distance at the moment as the Covid-19 infection rate continues to climb, one dating app has put a visual […]
Do you really know who you’re meeting when you set up a hookup date from an app?