Seems as though British penises are just average
We can’t actually believe someone was paid to measure all those dongs…
We can’t actually believe someone was paid to measure all those dongs…
Apparently, great things come in small packages
Is There Such a Thing as a Penis Too Big for a Gay Man?
If it’s swinging between your knees you could be earning nearly 30 GRAND less than a guy with a smaller dong Good news for guys with smaller penises, you’re likely […]
SMALL PENIS? Great things come in small packages A dating app designed for guys with smaller penises has become an unexpected hit with the gay and bi male community according […]
Penis size? It’s all about the BPM… Apparently.
As with all good questions we turn to science for the answers.
A reader asks what are the options for making his penis bigger Dear AG, I wondered if it was possible to make my dick bigger, I’ve seen lots of advertisement […]
A reader asks whether there is anything he can do about his boyfriend’s micropenis