Here’s why it’s great having a small penis
Take heart, even if yours doesn’t reach 5 inches there are reasons why, whatever you have, is pretty damn good.
Take heart, even if yours doesn’t reach 5 inches there are reasons why, whatever you have, is pretty damn good.
If you’re wondering why your penis seems to be shrinking, apparently, it’s probably because of your middle-age spread.
It goes without saying surely, that dick sizes between brothers will be different – but not always!
World Cup fever is officially upon us and we’re finding ourselves casually enjoying the sight of 11 men running around a field, hugging and kissing each other. Plus, sometimes you […]
It’s a perpetual worry for a lot of guys, but what can you do if you think your D is too small? The average length of the erect penis is smaller […]
Is there such thing as penis envy in the gay world? It seems that penis envy between boyfriends can be a thing. One user on Reddit recently admitted that his […]
So does size matter? To one guy, in particular, peen size does matter – his. Apparently, his size means that when he puts it in his profile he only really […]
So studies have found that British willies are average. Just average guys! Now according to Mandatory.com average erect penis sizes have been collected and collated from 80 countries across the […]
A man has died after suffering complications during a routine penis enlargement surgery. An otherwise healthy 30-year-old man has died after complications during an operation to enlarge the length and […]
An article by Doctor Phil Hammond has suggested that perhaps our manhoods are getting smaller… He explains… We have a lot of data about the size of men’s penises, thanks […]
Apparently, if you want a man to lie ask him the length of his penis. SaucyDates have conducted a survey to find out which country’s men are most likely to […]