Piers Morgan called “cis” and it went as well as you’d imagine
You can call him a white guy, but you can’t call him cis… got it?
You can call him a white guy, but you can’t call him cis… got it?
After labelling a Pride train, ‘Virtue Signalling’ Piers Morgan said that he was a “long-time vocal supporter of gay rights” except, history proves that this isn’t necessarily the case. Morgan […]
Piers used ALL CAPS to drive the point
As another year draws to a close we look back at the biggest stories on THEGAYUK in 2019. This article about what gay men notice about each other first piqued […]
Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan has reached out to Sam Smith after using the wrong pronouns for the singer. In a tweet Piers’s referred to Sam as “he” Piers […]
He “has a right to express his views” Piers Morgan has been cleared by Ofcom after nearly 1000 complaints were made against him over his views on gender identity. The […]
Piers Morgan has lashed out against PinkNews after it published an article about a petition calling on ITV execs to remove him from his presenting position on Good Morning Britain […]
ITV digital bosses admitted that Piers Morgan’s “trans slender” post was its most successful post in April, with over 1.6 million engagements.
Lord Sugar has been accused of “casual homophobia” after ‘gay elephant’ jibe.
As Brunei enacts a law that will punish the act of gay sex by stoning to death, Piers Morgan rails against a boycott of the Sultan of Brunei’s hotels.