12 things you need to take to a gay pride
Pride season lasts quite a long time in the UK, the first is in February and the final one is in December – so it can be tricky to know […]
Pride season lasts quite a long time in the UK, the first is in February and the final one is in December – so it can be tricky to know […]
The UK is home to over 170 pride events, you can find them listed over at THEPRIDESHOP’s handy pride calendar and this weekend there are 14 pride events to choose from West […]
Pride In London may be in for a bit of trouble this weekend over taking money from sponsors such as United Airlines. The Pride event could find itself in the […]
on the 24th and 25th June there are around 10 prides to choose from.
Ah, the glorious Pride Month has arrived, bringing with it a wave of rainbow-coloured support from businesses big and small. Social media is ablaze with vibrant posts and products, as […]
No matter where you are in the UK you’re sure to be close to a transgender pride.
Across the world, June has become known as Pride month, but is June Pride Month in the UK?
This week it’s Deaf Awareness week in the UK. So here’s how you say some important LGBT+ terms in British Sign Language. A few years ago, Deaf Direct produced a […]
Across the world, June has become known as Pride month, but is June Pride Month in the UK?
After a year of cancelled events in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the UK’s prides have announced that they are coming back for 2021. Good news for […]