COMMENT | We need to talk about Chechnya
We need to talk more about Chechnya.
We need to talk more about Chechnya.
In 2014, Drag Queen Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest with her epic hit, “Rise Like A Phoenix” which prompted a backlash from some in Russia – despite Conchita […]
A protest group, led by Peter Tatchell, All Out and Queer Tours of London were outside the Russian Embassy over the weekend to demand that the “gay purge” in Chechnya.
Across the globe, there are over 70 countries where being gay or having sex with someone of the same sex is illegal. There are a few places where you might […]
One of the UK’s most prominent Human Rights campaigners has been arrested in Russia, ahead of the World Cup.
Serious fears have been raised that a Russian pop star has been killed in Chechnya’s crackdown on homosexuality. Due to licensing this article must be read on our website. A […]
A gay man living in Chechnya on Monday went public to describe his detention and torture by police during a crackdown on homosexuals in the region ruled by strongman Ramzan […]
A Russian activist on Thursday urged the European Union to press the Russian Federation to investigate the alleged murder, torture and abuse of gay men in Chechnya. The head of […]
The Prime Minister, Theresa May has called the persecution of gay men in Chechnya as “troubling” nearly a month and a half after the story broke. Theresa May has responded […]
A horrifying story has emerged from Chechnya where a gay teenager was apparently killed by his uncle. Numerous reports are being published about gay men are being treated by authorities […]
LGBT activists have been round up by Russian police after they demonstrated against the persecution of gay and bisexual men Chechnya. Around 10 gay-rights activists demonstrated in St. Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest […]