Is using anal botox safe? Why do people botox their anuses?
Have you ever heard of anal botox? It’s a thing and for the brave who undertake this procedure can expect results which make their buttholes look years younger than they […]
Have you ever heard of anal botox? It’s a thing and for the brave who undertake this procedure can expect results which make their buttholes look years younger than they […]
If you inhale poppers you might have suffered a headache afterwards, here’s why that happens.
One of the major concerns for gay men who have had prostate surgery to remove the prostate gland is whether they can ever bottom again. The prostate is often referred […]
Poppers are a well-known, legal aroma used by many bi and gay men during sex, but are they safe to use?
Unless you’re a new breed of human, if you’re gonna have anal, you’re gonna need lube. And lot’s of it. You’re about to do the deed and your partner is […]
You can have sex if you have piles… but go carefully. Suffering from piles when you’re a bottom or even a power bottom could spell disaster for your sex life. The […]
Ever wondered why it hurts when you’re having sex? Partner not being patient There’s no rush and it’s not a race, so STFD (slow the F down). It can take […]
Bleeding after anal sex can happen on your first go-round or your 100th – so to put your mind and butt at rest, here’s why it happens and what you can do about it.
So here we are: gay sex 101. What or who is a Bottom in terms of gay sex? Well, it could mean a variety of things to a variety of […]
Guys, if you find yourself unable to last long in bed – we’ve got ten tips that might help. You’re halfway through your performance with a totally hot guy you […]