This guy wants all Bottoms to stop shaving their asses and the Internet has thoughts
To shave or not to shave
To shave or not to shave
Ah, the hanky code, the original way of saying or asking what a guy is ‘into.’
Lube is fundamental to having a good, satisfying time if you’re having anal sex. And not all lubes are created equal.
Sometimes you just wanna go there, but the body says “no”.
What if you’re just not into topping?
A “total bottom” explained that his world didn’t end when his hook up pulled a simple trick move.
Have you heard about nugget shaming? Well, boys, it’s something we need to talk about.
Cumming too quickly is one problem that many many guys grapple with.
A sex party in New York is charging the bottoms $40 more to attend.