No, a gay man did not just give birth to a child via his anus
This story is bordering on homophobic tbh
This story is bordering on homophobic tbh
Support for Boston’s so-called “straight pride” doesn’t seem to be going that well!
Erm… Nope Now we’re not doctors but, surely injecting semen into any part of your body deserves a conversation that starts with “why” and ends in “nope”. An unnamed, 33-year-old […]
Well, thanks to BBC Scotland you can now get a glimpse of what your seasonal favourites would be like if they were Scottish.
It goes without saying surely, that dick sizes between brothers will be different – but not always!
You might want to think again before downing a cup of packeted Nescafe… So apparently some totally gross people are using their hotel room’s kettle to boil their underwear. I mean […]
It has to be seen to be believed. So, do you remember those experiments where they put Mentos in a bottle of diet coke and the whole thing explodes in […]
Having a huge peen tends to make the owner want to compare it to things… We’ve all seen those pics – probably shared over Grindr – the dick alongside the […]
Motorists have been left baffled after council workers painted two conflicting speed restrictions on the same road. New restrictions are limiting speed limits to 20 mph across Edinburgh. Around 80 […]
I mean where has the time gone? Chris Crocker‘s epic Leave Britney Alone rant, which turned him into a viral sensation almost overnight, is going to be 10 years old […]
At least seven men in America have accidentally shot their penis with a handgun since 2010. The initial report from the website, deathandtaxes.com has suggested that five American men shot […]