A singer who once posed as a Lesbian in pop group T.a.t.u has said on television that she would condemn her son if he was gay.

In a rather shocking statement, Russian singer Yulia Volkova, who once cavorted with band mate Lena Katina has said that she would condemn her son if he turned out to be gay. The pair released a single in 2002 called, “All The Things She Said”, which became a gay anthem because of its homosexual imagery.

In 2006 Volkova said, ‘Our slogan is to love and it’s not important whom to love,


‘We want to say that a boy can love a boy and a girl can love a girl. If all people would love each other, it would be easier to live in this world. If people are led by hatred and evil, nothing good would happen from this.’

However on a TV show, when asked if she would condemn her son if he was gay, she said, ‘Yes, I would condemn him, because I believe that a real man must be a real man,” she said. “God created man for procreation, it is the nature. The man for me is the support, the strength of… I won’t accept a gay son.’

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She did state however the opinions weren’t at odds with previous statements by adding, ‘Two girls together – not the same thing as the two men together,” she continued. “It seems to me that lesbians look aesthetically much nicer than two men holding their hands or kissing.’

She went on to say, ‘I want to say that I’m not against gays, I just want my son to be a real man, not a fag,

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‘I have many gay friends.

‘I believe that being gay is all still better than murderers, thieves or drug addicts. If you choose out of all this, being gay a little better than the rest.’

About the author: TheNewsDesk
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