Jamie is advised, by his career’s teacher that the best option for him, is to pursue a career as a forklift driver. Foolishly, despite the possibility of being surrounded by a plethora of fit warehousemen, Jamie opts for the more humdrum life of a drag artist!
He then decides, with some prompting from his best girl-friend Pritti, to attend the end of school prom in a dress. A slinky white number more akin to Wimbledon than a prom but hey, it’s a drag themed musical, so bitching’s my prerogative.
While shopping for a prom dress, he’s persuaded by Hugo, the shop owner and a retired drag veteran, to perform at the Legs Eleven cabaret show, in Sheffield, yes I said Sheffield, not Berlin in the ’30s but Sheffield! Despite last-minute anxieties, his performance is a success and well met by all his classmates. Thus giving momentum to his dreams of a Martina Navratilova prom night.
However, throughout all this, he had an erroneous belief that his dad had been holding a torch for him. A belief urinated upon from on high, when on a surprise visit to his dad, it becomes apparent that Jamie’s mum had been sending birthday and Xmas gifts addressed as his dads. With devastating effect, his dad tells Jamie, he never supported him or sent any gifts, quite the reverse, that Jamie had always been an embarrassment which is why he abandoned his mum to start a new family.
-Exit stage left: A very distraught Jamie.
-Que: More heart-wrenching tunes.
-Exit handbags: Copious amounts of tissues.
Through the course of the show, one grows proud of the protagonist’s ability to grow a tough skin in the face of adversity, particularly from the main antagonists, his homophobic dad and fellow schoolboy Dean, who adds racism to the smouldering pot of jealousy and hatred. All controversial topics which were deftly and eloquently handled by Jamie and his fellow classmates.
The audience roared with approval when Jamie delivered a bitch slapping, Kung Fu kiss to his would-be assailant, Dean, during one such attack, which sent him packing with his tail between his legs.
The show culminates with a feel-good finish. Our princess does go to the ball and it all ends with a sprinkling of fairy dust and happy thoughts.
The talented kids in the show bring intense levels of energy and high octane dance routines whilst the senior members of the troop keep it grounded with solid acting performances, to a great storyline that bravely tackles all sorts of current and controversial issues in a positive manner. A clever use of set and stomping songs all contributed to the deserved awards this musical has won.
Noah Thomas who plays Jamie, is a master of the eight-inch high stiletto strut and snuggles naturally into character, whilst other mentions must go to Mellisa Jacques (mum Margaret) who gives a memorable and lung-bursting rendition of “He’s my boy” and audience favourite, Hiba Elchikhe who plays Jamies best friend and her performance of “It means beautiful”.
Already booked to see it again!
Most of the original cast have taken the show on tour, so do make the effort to catch it when it visits your town!
Five Stars from me!