The new Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Amber Rudd as the new Home Secretary.

Amber Rudd has been appointed by Prime Minister Theresa May as the new Home Secretary. Ms. Rudd who has been in Parliament since 2010, has “consistently voted for equal gay rights” according to


The MP for Hastings And Rye, who campaigned to remain in the European Union,  entered the House of Commons on 6th May 2010.

Since the beginning of her Parliamentary career, Ms. Rudd has had to vote on six pieces of legislation pertaining to the rights of gay and lesbians in the United Kingdom. The majority of which were to do with issues surrounding same-sex marriage.

She voted in favour of all votes, ensuring that Britain’s gay community enjoy marriage equality.


Home Secretary is an important role for the safety of Britain’s population. It requires close contact with emergency services, such as the police and intelligence services to reduce crime and terrorism. The LGBT community will be looking to Ms Rudd to reduce hate crimes in the UK. This year in London alone homophobic crime soared 20 per cent year on year.

Mrs May becomes the second female Prime Minister of the UK after David Cameron resigned following Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

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