Instagram DQ Phoenix has taken to imitating America’s 45th on her Instagram with hilarious outcomes.
Taking a word (or two) a day, Phoenix is slowly creating a sort of dictionary of Donald Trump terms, helping people to understand the overused words the President says on a daily basis.
So far we’ve seen descriptions of “Tremendous”, “Chicken”, “Impeach”, “Melania” and of course, “Trump”.
Today’s word of the day, saw Phoenix explain what “Trump” means.
The videos, which the drag queen has titled “Today’s Trump Word of the Day”, are keeping fans across the globe amused, especially when explaining how to say the words – like ‘Tremendous’, which she explains must be said like “your lips are on fire”.
For Melania, the President’s wife, Phoenix explains “You may think it’s a viral disease from China, but it’s not. It’s my wife, so one might say, ‘Melania, get back in the plane’

For “Impeach”, Phoenix explains, “It’s a new one for me… no, it’s not the colour of my skin or a peach in something. It’s something they do to try and get rid of a fantastic and amazing, terrific president.
And our favourite “Tremendous”, which the real President Trump happens to say repeatedly, Phoenix explains, “you say it like your lip are on fire… you can use it with anything… If there’s a fire it’s a tremendous fire – hunger – tremendous hunger, Trump? Tremendous.
You can watch all her videos at